Sunday, May 27, 2007

Earth Savers Fellowship Scribe's Note

I have just helped my daughter Rebecca to post her first blog on the Earth Savers Fellowship. I help her Sunday School class, home educate Rebecca during the week, and have just completed a Masters in Education, e-learning, technology and design to reassure myself that I am educating her in a wise and judicious manner. It was not my choice; after looking closely at resources in the public school, it was clear that the school was doing more harm than good. I am 100% disabled, but manage to get around, and try to take Rebecca to parks and camping. We are just now starting a new hobby: kayaking. We have been canoing, and my father has a navigator's credential for sailing, so I am sure we can handle this. I was a part of segregating the schools in the deep South, so I have mixed feelings about not being a part of the public school system, but it just does not have well developed autism support, in most cases.
I am doing the typing, and some reminding, but Rebecca is in charge of the entries. She has dysgraphia, but is gifted verbally, as you might have noticed. We are, by the way, a laissez-faire type of home education environment. I use an online subscription curriculum when we want structure as well as to nurture an appreciation for the net, and I have a complete "TV411 curriculum" so we are covering the basic living skills for adult responsibilities and practical literacy, and will be ready for GED one day; other than that, we go with the flow. I want her to appreciate her own capabilities; she had become rather depressed in school, so we have a ways to go. By the way, Rebecca is 14 years old, but socially/emotionally about 8. Thanks for the prayers, parents of special kids! Lis



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