Friday, October 12, 2007

Medical Challenges

My dear 14 year old had a shock last weekend; she unexpectedly turned up with
a blood result showing severe anemia due to iron deficiency. There is a new
pediatric specialist now (hem/onc) and he is a dear, dear man. San Antonio really has the best
in medical attention. Anyway, three units of blood later, she is feeling better,
but yesterday had a podiatrist work on her toe and today she is sleeping. She is
off to CAMP camp tonight; God bless them!!!!
We are so fortunate to be here; of course,
we'd rather live in Oregon (home) but we will
visit; must put her medical needs first!!!
We visited the hemotologist/oncologist's yesterday
just for paperwork; next week is the blood test/infusion
visit. I have also found out that the VA will pay for
schooling starting at 14 for kids with special needs,
dependants of 100% disabled veterans!!! Yay! ~mom4specialG